Select Course1 Day OHS Refresher (1-OHS)5 Day Occupational Health & Safety Training (5-OHS)Ammonia Awareness (AMMONIA)Apply First Aid (AFA)Armed Robbery Safety Awareness (OLD_ARM)Asbestos Awareness Training (AA)Authorised Persons Training (AUTH-PER)Avalon Airport Management Response Team Training (AA-MRT)BA - Breathing Apparatus Open circuit (BA-OPEN)BA and Fire Ext - ERT (BA-FE-ERT)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus - Industry (BAI)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus Full course (online) (BA-DISTANCE)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus Refresher (online) (BAI-Refresh)BA, Gas Suits, Fire Equipment, Gas Dispersal and Emergency Exercise (ERT-BA-PPE-GAS)Basic First Aid (Accredited) (OLD-BFA)Battery Truck (OLD_BATTTRUCK)Battery Truck Training (BT)Bites and Stings (BITES)Breathing Apparatus - Emergency Response (BA2)Breathing Apparatus - Industry (BA1)Breathing Apparatus Familiarisation (OLD_BAFAM)Bullying and Harrasement for Managers and Supervisors (OLD_BULLYING)Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations) (PUA20613)Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations) (PUA20619)Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations) (PUA30613)Chemical Awareness Training (Chem-Aware)Chemical Handling in the Workplace and Manual Handling (OLD-CHEM_MANUAL)Chemical Suit (OLD-CHEMSUIT)Chief Warden (CW)Chief Warden (CW1)Chief Warden (CW22)Chief Warden - Distance Learning (CW-Remote)Chief Warden - Distance Learning (CW-DL)Chief Warden - Public Course (CW-PUBLIC)Chief Warden - Site Specific (CW-SS)Chief Warden including Extinguishers - Public Course (CWIFE-PUBLIC)Chief Warden including Fire Extinguishers (CWE)Chief Warden including Fire Extinguishers (CWIFE)Chlorine Awareness / CABA Refresher (OLD-CHLORINE)Conduct Hazard Analysis (CHA)Confined Space Awareness (CS-AWARE)Confined Space Awareness training (CSE-AWARE)Confined Space Entry (CSE22)Confined Space Entry (CSE)Confined Space Entry (CSE1)Confined Space Entry - Advanced (CSE2)Confined Space Entry - Public Course (CSE-PUBLIC)Confined Space Entry - Self-Paced (CSE-DISTANCE-SP)Confined Space Entry - Site Specific (CSE-SS)Confined Space Entry - With Melbourne Water Component (OLD-CSE-MW)Confined Space Entry & Confined Space Rescue Training (OLD_CSE_CSR)Confined Space Entry & Work Safely at Heights Awareness Training (OLD_CSE_WSH)Confined Space Entry Advanced (CSE-A)Confined Space Entry and Heights Safety (CSE-WSH)Confined Space Entry including Breathing Apparatus (CSEBA22)Confined Space Entry including Breathing Apparatus Awareness training (CSE-BA-AWARE)Confined Space Entry Permit Authoriser Training (CSE-AUTH)Confined Space Entry Refresher (CSE-R22)Confined Space Entry Refresher (CSE-R)Confined Space Entry Supervisor (CSE-Supervisor)Confined Space Entry, Work at Heights & Hot Work Awareness (OLD_CSE_WSH_HW)Confined Space Management and Rescue (OLD_CSM)Confined Space Permit Issuer (CS-PERMIT)Confined Space Rescue - Site Specific (CSR-SITE)Confined Space Rescue - Site Specific (CSR-SS)Confined Space Rescue including Vertical Rescue (CSRVR001)Consultancy (CONS)Contractor Management (OLD-CM)CSE- Confined Space Entry Full Course (online) (CSE-Distance)CSE- Confined Space Entry- Theory training (CSE-Theory)CSE, WAH & BA (CSWSHBA)DELWP Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances (DELWP-DGHS)DHS - Colanda - Fire Safety - Refresher (OLD_COLANDA)DHS - Disability - Induction (OLD-DHS-DIS-ID)DHS - Emergency Planning Committee (OLD_DHSEPC)DHS - Emergency Planning Committee and Manual Developer (OLD_DHS_EPC)DHS - RESI - RCW - Induction (OLD_DHS_RES_IND)DHS - RESI - RCW - Refresher (OLD-RCW_REF)DHS - RESI - Supervisor Refresher Fire Safety Training (OLD_RES_FST)DHS - RESI - Supervisor Upgrade (OLD-RESIupgrade)DHS Fire Safety Induction Training (OLD-DHS_IND)Disability Support Worker Refresher- Fire Safety Training (DSW-FS-R)Duress (OLD-Duress)Electrical Safety Awareness (OLD_ELECTRICAL)Emergency Asthma Management (OLD-ASTHMA)Emergency Controller (OLD-EC)Emergency Exercise (EE)Emergency Management Incident Control (OLD_IC)Emergency Planning Commitee Training (EPC)Emergency Procedure Manual Training (Emer-Pro)Emergency Response Strategy and Tactics, Tanker Operations (ERT-TACT)Emergency Response Team Program (ERT-Program)Emergency Response Team Training- Breathing Apparatus (ERT-BA)Emergency Response Team Training- Chemical Spill Response and Fire Equipment (ERT-Chem-Fire)Emergency Response Team Training- Confined Space Rescue (ERT-CSR)Emergency Response Team Training- Emergency Management Plan (ERT-EMP)Emergency Warden (EW22)Emergency Warden - Site Specific (EW-SS)Emergency Warden (online) (EW-DISTANCE)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers (EWIFE)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers - Prac Only (EWIFE-PRAC)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers - Public Course (EWIFE-PUBLIC)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers - Site Specific (EWIFE-SS)Emergency Warden- Site Specific (online) (EW-SS-DISTANCE)ERT - Breathing Apparatus and Fire Equipment (ERT-BA-FE)ERT - Chemical Spill and Portable Fire Equipment (ERT-SPILLS-FE)ERT - Chemical Spills and PPE (ERT-SPILLS)ERT - Fire Suppression Practical, Fire Hose Handling + Hydraulics and Confine Small Workplace Emergencies (ERT-SUPP)ERT - Heavy Tanker Operations and Small Gear (ERT-TANKER)Evacuation Drill (Emerg-Ex)Fatigue Awareness (OLD-FATIGUE)Fire and Emergency Safety Training for Supervisors / Team Leaders (OLDFSTTEAMLEAD)Fire and Emergency Warden (FEW001)Fire Awareness (Fire-Aware)Fire Extinguisher Training (OLD-FE)Fire Safety Training (FS)Fire Sprinkler Systems (OLD_FSS)Fire Watch & Fire Extinguisher Training (OLD_FIREWATCH)Fire Watch Training (OLD-FIREWATCH1)Fixed Monitor Training (FM)Fonterra - Confined Space Entry (Font-CSE22)Fonterra - Confined Space Entry (Font-CSE)Fonterra - Confined Space Entry (Font)Fonterra Ammonia SOP Training (OLD_AM_SOP)Fonterra Permit Issuer Inc SWS Training (Font-IWP)Forklift assessment (FORK)Forklift Safety & Awareness (Fork-Aware)Fuel Reduction - Prescribed Burn - Safety Training (OLD-BUN)Gas Handling (GH)Gas Test Atmospheres - Public Course (OLD_GTA)Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances- Self-paced (DGHS-SELF)Handle Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (Not Using)Handle Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (DGHS-Spill)Harness Awareness Training (OLD-HARNESS)Hazard & Risk Management and Permit to Work Module (OLD_RISKMANAGE)Hazard & Risk Management, Permit to Work Module including Hot Work (OLRISKMANAGEHOT)Hazardous Materials Incident Responder (HAZ001)Height Safety Awareness (OLDHEIGHTSAWARE)HIRAC Training (H)Hot / Cold Permit Authoriser (HOTCOLD -AUTH)Hot Work Permit (OLD_HW)Hot/Cold Permit Including Lock Out Tag Out (HOTCOLD-LOTO)Incident Reporting and Investigation (OLD_IR)Infection Control (OLD-INFECTION)Internal Training - VETtrak (OLD-VETTRAK)Issue Work Permits inc Gas Testing (IWP-GT)Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Awareness (OLD_JSA_AWARE)JSA Training (JSA-T)JSEA Risk Assessment, Incident Reporting and Investigations (JSEA-RA)JSEA, Hot Work and General Permit to Work (OLDJSEAGENERAL)Ladder Safety (OLD_LADDER)Load Restraint (LR)Low Voltage Rescue and CPR (LVRCPR)Low Voltage Rescue and CPR (LVR)LV Chemical Suits and Respiratory Protective Equipment (SCBA)) (ERT-LTS)Manual Handling Audit (OLDMHA)Modules from ERT Program (OLD-ERTMODULES)OH&S Refresher (OLD-OHS-RFRESH)OHS for Supervisors (OLD-OHSSUP)OHS Law (OLD_OHSLAW)OHS Representatives (OLD-OHSREP)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Emergency Response (BA-E)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Public Course (BA-PUBLIC)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Site Specific (BA-SS)Operate Breathing Apparatus and Gas Test Atmospheres (BAGT001)Operate Hand Tugs (HT)Overhead Crane Training (OHC)Participate In A Rescue Operation (PIR001)Permit Issuer for Confined Space Entry (OLD-CSE-PERMIT)Permit Issuer For Hot Works (OLD_HW_PI)Permit To Work (OLD-PERMIT)Permit to Work and LOTO (OLD_PERMIT_LOTO)Powerline Safety (OLD_POWERLINE)PRAC ONLY (PRAC)Provide Advanced First Aid (PFA-ADVANCE)Provide Advanced Resuscitation (AR)Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (OLD_BLS)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR (CPR22)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- Blended (CPR-BLENDED)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- Blended (CPRB22)Provide CPR (CPR)Provide CPR - Public Course (CPR-PUBLIC)Provide First Aid (PFA22)Provide First Aid (PFA)Provide First Aid - Blended (PFA-Blended)Provide First Aid - Public Course (PFA-PUBLIC)Provide First Aid Blended (PFAB22)Provide First Aid for Teachers and Educators (PFA-ED)Provide First Aid for Teachers and Educators (PFATE)Radio Familiarisation (RF001)Radio Protocol and Etiquette (OLD-RR)Radio Training (RT)Red Tag Training (MARS-RedTag)Respirator Training (OLD_RESP)Respiratory and Hearing Protection Awareness Training (OLD_RESP_AWARE)Respond to Isolated Structure Fire (STRUC1)Respond to Wildfire (Wildfire001)Risk Assessment / JSEA (OLD-JSA)Risk Assessment Training (RAT)Safe Sharps Disposal Training (SHARP-DIS)Safe Work Method Statements (OLD-SWMS)Safe Work Systems Refresher Training (OLD-SWSR)Safe Work Systems Training (OLD_SWS)Skills Maintenance Training (Skills-Maint)Small Tow Tug Training (BOEING-STT)Spill Kit - Site Specific (SK-SS)Spill Kit and Fire Awareness (SK-FA)Spill Kit including Fire Extinguishers (SKFE)Take 5 Training (OLD_TAKE5)Test Subject for Virtual Classroom (Test)Time in Lieu (TIL)Traffic Management (OLD-TM)Undertake Road Crash Rescue (RCR)Vertical Rescue -Site Specific (VR-SS)Violence and Aggression (OLD-VA)Wildfire Safety Awareness (OLD_WILDFIRE)Work at Heights Permit Authoriser Training (WSH-AUTH)Work Safely at Heights (WSH)Work Safely At Heights (WSH22)Work Safely at Heights - Public Course (WSH-PUBLIC)Work Safely at Heights - Site Specific (WSH-SS)Work Safely at Heights incl. Rescue module (OLD-WSHincR)Work Safely at Heights including Work in Accordance with an Issued Permit (WSH / Permit)Work Safely at Heights Refresher (WSH-R)Workplace Fire & Emergency (WFE001)WSH and CSE Refresher (WSH-CSE-R-22)Apply First Aid (AFA)Asbestos Awareness Training (AA)BA - Breathing Apparatus Open circuit (BA-OPEN)BA and Fire Ext - ERT (BA-FE-ERT)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus - Industry (BAI)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus Full course (online) (BA-DISTANCE)BA- Operate Breathing Apparatus Refresher (online) (BAI-Refresh)Basic First Aid (Accredited) (OLD-BFA)Breathing Apparatus - Emergency Response (BA2)Breathing Apparatus - Industry (BA1)Certificate II in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations) (PUA20613)Certificate III in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations) (PUA30613)Chemical Awareness Training (Chem-Aware)Chief Warden (CW22)Chief Warden (CW)Chief Warden (CW1)Chief Warden - Distance Learning (CW-Remote)Chief Warden - Distance Learning (CW-DL)Chief Warden - Public Course (CW-PUBLIC)Chief Warden - Site Specific (CW-SS)Chief Warden including Extinguishers - Public Course (CWIFE-PUBLIC)Chief Warden including Fire Extinguishers (CWE)Chief Warden including Fire Extinguishers (CWIFE)Conduct Hazard Analysis (CHA)Conduct hazard analysis (MSMWHS201)Confined Space Entry (CSE1)Confined Space Entry (CSE)Confined Space Entry (CSE22)Confined Space Entry - Public Course (CSE-PUBLIC)Confined Space Entry - Self-Paced (CSE-DISTANCE-SP)Confined Space Entry - With Melbourne Water Component (OLD-CSE-MW)Confined Space Entry Advanced (CSE-A)Confined Space Entry Advanced (CSE2)Confined Space Entry and Heights Safety (CSE-WSH)Confined Space Entry including Breathing Apparatus (CSEBA)Confined Space Entry Refresher (CSE-R)Confined Space Entry Refresher (CSE-R22)Confined Space Entry Supervisor (CSE-Supervisor)Confined Space Management and Rescue (OLD_CSM)Confined Space Permit Issuer (CS-PERMIT)Confined Space Rescue (CSR)Confined Space Rescue including Vertical Rescue (CSRVR001)Confined Space Supervisor training (CSES)CSE- Confined Space Entry Full Course (online) (CSE-Distance)CSE- Confined Space Entry- Theory training (CSE-Theory)CSE, WAH & BA (CSWSHBA)DELWP Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances (DELWP-DGHS)DELWP- Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances (DELWP- HDG)DHS - Colanda - Fire Safety - Refresher (OLD_COLANDA)DHS - Disability - Induction (OLD-DHS-DIS-ID)DHS - Emergency Planning Committee (OLD_DHSEPC)DHS - Emergency Planning Committee and Manual Developer (OLD_DHS_EPC)DHS - RESI - RCW - Induction (OLD_DHS_RES_IND)DHS - RESI - RCW - Refresher (OLD-RCW_REF)DHS - RESI - Supervisor Refresher Fire Safety Training (OLD_RES_FST)DHS - RESI - Supervisor Upgrade (OLD-RESI_upgrade)DHS Fire Safety Induction Training (OLD-DHS_IND)Disability Support Worker Refresher- Fire Safety Training (DSW-FS-R)Emergency Asthma Management (OLD-ASTHMA)Emergency Controller (OLD-EC)Emergency Response Team (ERT)Emergency Response Team Program (ERT-Program)Emergency Response Team Training- Breathing Apparatus (ERT-BA)Emergency Response Team Training- Emergency Management Plan (ERT-EMP)Emergency Warden (EW22)Emergency Warden (EW)Emergency Warden - Site Specific (EW-SS)Emergency Warden (online) (EW-DISTANCE)Emergency Warden inc Fire Extinguisher (EWIFE)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers - Prac Only (EWIFE-PRAC)Emergency Warden including Fire Extinguishers - Public Course (EWIFE-PUBLIC)Emergency Warden- Site Specific (online) (EW-SS-DISTANCE)Enter and work in confined spaces (RIIOHS202A)Enter and work in confined spaces (RIIWHS202D)Enter and work in confined spaces (RIIWHS202E)Enter confined space (MSMPER205)Enter confined space (MSAPMPER205C)ERT - Breathing Apparatus and Fire Equipment (ERT-BA-FE)Evacuation Drill (Emerg-Ex)Fire and Emergency Warden (FEW001)Fire Awareness (Fire-Aware)Fire Extinguisher Training (FE)Fire Safety Training (FS)Fire Safety Training- Disability Support Worker (FST)Fixed Monitor Training (FM)Fonterra - Confined Space Entry (Font-CSE22)Fonterra - Confined Space Entry (Font-CSE)Fonterra Permit Issuer Inc SWS Training (Font-IWP)Forklift assessment (FORK)Gas Test Atmospheres (GTA)Gas test atmospheres (MSMWHS217)Gas Test Atmospheres - Public Course (OLD_GTA)Handle Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances (HDG/HS)Handle Dangerous Goods / Hazardous Substances old unit (DGHS)Handle Dangerous Goods and Hazardous Substances (HDGHS)Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (HDG/HS inc SK)Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit- old unit (HDGHS- SK- old unit)Handle Dangerous Goods/ Hazardous Substances- Self-paced (DGHS-SELF)Handle Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (Not- using)Handle Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (Not using)Handle Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances including Spill Kit (DGHS-Spill)Hazardous Materials Incident Responder (HMIR)Hazardous Materials Incident Responder (HAZ001)HIRAC Training (HIRAC)Hot / Cold Permit Authoriser (HOTCOLD -AUTH)Hot Works Training (HW)Hot/Cold Permit Including Lock Out Tag Out (HOTCOLD-LOTO)Issue Work Permits (IWP)Issue work permits (MSMPER300)Issue Work Permits (IWP-)Issue Work Permits inc Gas Testing (IWP-GT)Issue Work Permits including Gas Testing (IWPGT)JSA and Authorised Person training (JSA)Lead an emergency control organisation (PUAFER006)Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) (LOTO)Low Voltage Rescue and CPR (LVR)Low Voltage Rescue and CPR (LVRCPR)Manual Handling (MH)Modules from ERT Program (OLD-ERTMODULES)Operate as part of an emergency control organisation (PUAFER005)Operate as part of an emergency control organisation (PUAWER005B)Operate breathing apparatus (MSMWHS216)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Emergency Response (BA-E)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Public Course (BA-PUBLIC)Operate Breathing Apparatus - Site Specific (BA-SS)Operate Breathing Apparatus and Gas Test Atmospheres (BAGT001)Participate in a rescue (PIR)Participate In A Rescue Operation (PIR001)PRAC ONLY (PRAC)Provide Advanced First Aid (PAFA)Provide Advanced First Aid (PFA-ADVANCE)Provide Advanced First Aid/ First Aid (PAFA/FA)Provide Advanced Resuscitation (AR)Provide Advanced Resuscitation (PAR)Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID010)Provide basic emergency life support (HLTAID002)Provide Basic Emergency Life Support (OLD_BLS)Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID001)Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (HLTAID009)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR (CPR)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR (CPR22)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- Blended (CPRB22)Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- Blended (CPR-BLENDED)Provide CPR - Public Course (CPR-PUBLIC)Provide First Aid (PFA)Provide First Aid (HLTAID011)Provide first aid (HLTAID003)Provide First Aid (PFA22)Provide First Aid - Blended (PFA - Blended)Provide First Aid - Blended (PFA-Blended)Provide First Aid - Public Course (PFA-PUBLIC)Provide First Aid for Teachers and Educators (PFA-ED)Provide First Aid for Teachers and Educators (PFATE)Provide First Aid for Teachers and Educators - Blended (PFATE-Blended)Provide First Aid in an education and care setting (HLTAID012)Rescue Kit Training (Site Specific) (RK)Respond to Isolated Structure Fire (STRUC1)Respond to Wildfire (Wildfire001)Safe Sharps Disposal Training (SHARP-DIS)Small Tow Tug Training (BOEING-STT)Spill Kit (SK)Spill Kit and Fire Awareness (SK-FA)Spill Kit including Fire Extinguishers (SKFE)Supervise work in confined spaces (RIIWHS401E)Undertake Road Crash Rescue (RCR)Vertical Rescue (VR)Vertical Rescue -Site Specific (VR-SS)Work at Heights Permit Authoriser Training (WSH-AUTH)Work in accordance with an issued permit (MSAPMPER200C)Work in accordance with an issued permit (MSMPER200)Work Safely at Heights (WSH)Work safely at heights (RIIWHS204D)Work safely at heights (RIIWHS204E)Work Safely At Heights (WSH22)Work Safely at Heights - Public Course (WSH-PUBLIC)Work Safely at Heights incl. Rescue module (OLD-WSHincR)Work Safely at Heights including Work in Accordance with an Issued Permit (WSH / Permit)Work Safely at Heights Refresher (WSH-R)Workplace Fire & Emergency (WFE001)WSH and CSE Refresher (WSH-CSE-Refresh-22)Provide First Aid - Chapter 1 ()Date RangetoCourse ID ? Search